Inspiration Behind the "Sunbleached" Collection

Andrea Naylor Artwork COPYRIGHT

The Inspiration behind the “Sunbleached” Collection stems from my original dream of becoming a painter. That defining moment when I found my 17-yo self standing on the shores of Cocoa Beach, Florida on a break from my job at the local surf shop. I remember vividly my thoughts were flooded with “ what do I want to really be when I grow up”….The answer to that question was indeed a painter AND a painter of oceans. seascapes. water. waves. How they looked at sunrise, at sunset. How they made me feel. What they made me feel. This collection feels playful and full of JOY! The joy I remember feeling as a teenager crashing through those shore breaking waves to get out to the calm water to swim and float or with my surfboard to catch the next wave. The warm water, the hot sunshine on my face, the bright light in my eyes. I have never felt so alive as when I do when I'm swimming in the ocean.

Andrea Naylor Artwork COPYRIGHT

Andrea Naylor COPYRIGHT

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