I am two weeks into my “Playful Project”. This week I've had a huge surge of creative energy as themes and patterns began to emerge. This week's theme was a sentimental one as I dove into painting portraits of the female members of my family...
The very act of blooming in a manner that does not acknowledge or express regret is the very foundation for this project for me. No fear, not clinging to longevity, no demands of guarantee.... yet be our best.
For me, the goal of this self-directed artist in residency is to remove everyday digital distractions in order to hone and focus on painting from an intuitive heart-felt place. My focus is to create purely from a playful place. I aim to simply explore the relationship between my painting practice and how it is influenced or not influenced by the digital world by removing it altogether.
In December each year, I love reflecting on what were my highs and lows and lessons learned for each year. I thought I would share them here with you! Also a HUGE thank you to all of you who supported me this year in any way and welcome to all my new collectors and followers. This year I shipped out original work, prints, and products to people in almost every state here in the USA! I love sharing my work here in this space with you and I can't wait to dive into what 2023 holds for me.