Week 4 into my “Playful Project” and this week was heavy and deep. I continued my daily self portraits this week and I noticed that the “work” from the prior week where I was diving into portraits of my relatives was deeply impacting my work...
One of my goals for this "Playful Project" was to paint large. This week I started my 4th LARGE piece. It is a deeply personal piece that I look forward to continuing to work on over the coming weeks. I'm still processing how powerful and freeing it is for me to paint this big...
I noticed a different mind state and energy emerged when I was creating/painting the piece compared to when I was cleaning it off. Cleaning it off or "destroying" a painting was new territory for me...
This week, I dove into painting a series of self portraits: something I've been wanting to explore for years as an artist. My goal is to paint a self portrait a day between each full moon (for the next 28 days)....
"...Let there be an opening into the quiet that lies beneath the chaos, where you find the peace you did not think possible and see what shimmers within the storm."